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Database migrations V2

Starting from API v2 Intake24 uses Flyway to handle database migrations.

Database configurations

Copy DatabaseMigrations/src/main/resources/databases.example.conf to a local directory outside of the project source tree.

Create a single copy of the file per database instance (e.g., dev-db.conf for local development databases, prod-db.conf for production databases) and edit the database connection information.

Running migrations

The easiest way to run the migration tool is to use the Gradle task.

To apply system database migrations, from the run the following command from the api-v2 project root:

gradle -Dconfig.file=/path/to/database.conf :DatabaseMigration:migrateSystem

To apply food database migrations, from the run the following command from the api-v2 project root:

gradle -Dconfig.file=/path/to/database.conf :DatabaseMigration:migrateFoods