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User-facing food data

Find food by description (regular foods)

GET /foods/:locale/lookup

Find food by description (recipe ingredients)

GET /foods/:locale/lookup-for-recipes

Find food by description (limit to specific category)

GET /foods:locale/lookup-in-category

Suggest splitting into several foods

GET /foods/:locale/split-description

Food browsing

List root categories

GET /categories/:locale

Get category contents

GET /categories/:locale/:code

Portion size estimation

Get food data (portion size estimation methods)

GET /foods/:locale/:code

Get food data (portion size estimation methods, trace data source)

GET /foods/:locale/:code/with-sources

Get brand names

GET /foods/:locale/:code/brand-names

Get weight type-in portion size method (dummy)

GET /portion-size/weight

Get as served image set data

GET /portion-size/as-served/:id

Get multiple as served image sets data

POST /portion-size/as-served

Get guide image data

GET /portion-size/guide-image/:id

Get image map data

GET /portion-size/image-maps/:id

Get multiple image maps data

POST /portion-size/image-maps

Get drinkware set data

GET /portion-size/drinkware/:id

Get associated foods (manual)

GET /foods/:locale/:code/associated-foods

Get associated foods (automatic)

GET /foods/associated/:locale

Food composition

Get Food composition data

GET /foods/:locale/:code/composition